Rishma Hirji

Dr. Joel Weisberg
Rishma Hirji

With enough years of experience to be considered a master-class therapist, and an unwavering enthusiasm for massage therapy, Rishma Hirji’s tenure here has made her part of Downsview Chiropractic’s legacy.

Rishma studied at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, and has been registered as a licensed therapist since August 1995. Rishma first joined the Downsview Chiropractic team in 1996, and during this earlier time she continued studying to deliver better and more thorough care. She studied yoga in Toronto and abroad in India in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the musculoskeletal system.

Rishma is well known for her deep, soothing and rhythmic techniques. A devoted “muscle mechanic”; Rishma is ready to assist those desiring a higher level of health and well-being.

Care. That makes the Difference™.