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Partnership of Care

You and your chiropractor have an equal and vital role in the pursuit of your optimum health and well-being. You have the right to expect your chiropractor to provide…
  • ethical conduct of practice
  • respectful, honest and clear communication in all aspects of care
  • provide a fulsome explanation and informed consent process of any examination, diagnostic test or treatment prior to its deliverance
  • communicate clearly an appropriate explanation and methods of the removal of any clothing for clinical purposes, including appropriate gowning methods, that respects the patient’s privacy and dignity
  • relevant, safe and supportive patient-centred care
  • deliver chiropractic care in a clinical, patient-centred and culturally-sensitive manner, without reference to personal or religious matters, and taking into consideration any sensitivities of the patient
  • accurate and comprehensive records
  • accommodation and accessibility for disabilities and human rights, or alternative arrangements if accessibility is not possible
  • an awareness of current health and well-being issues
  • information about what chiropractic offers
  • timely and necessary communication and/or referral to other health professionals
  • timely transfer of records, when appropriate
  • compliance with the College of Chiropractors of Ontario’s (CCO) regulations, standards of practice, policies and guidelines
  • privacy and confidentiality
  • behaviour and clarity regarding dignified professional boundaries
  • demonstrate increased sensitivity when chiropractic care involves the touching of a sensitive area of the body, with the patient’s guidance and consent
  • disclosure of real or perceived conflicts of interest
  • a process for declining treatment and withdrawal of consent at any time
  • full disclosure of policies, procedures and fees
Your responsibilities to your chiropractor are to provide…
  • honest, accurate and full disclosure of all pertinent health information
  • constructive feedback (positive/negative) regarding all aspects of care
  • a cooperative commitment to your treatment plan
  • compliance with office policies, procedures and fees
  • courtesy and respect for the office environment, staff and other patients
  • up-to-date contact information

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“My body loosened up. I saw results on the first day. I can sit and work longer without pain and it has helped me learn to take care of my body.”

Tina F.

“Professional and caring and responds well to your concerns whether they are new issues or you require ongoing care and maintenance.”


“Treatment methods are spot on and I always feel like a million bucks after a chiro appointment.”

Melanie C.

“It definitely helps… I can get out of bed without making noises anymore!”

Dianne E.

Get started. It’s easy!


Schedule an appointment.


Allow us to develop an efficient and sustainable customized plan.


Let’s put that plan into action. Together.