A year ago, posting about how to stay active during a pandemic, how to manage pain during a pandemic, and how to stay positive during a pandemic was the stuff of science fiction.

But here we are… Work is different. Work-life balance is off-balance. Social life is virtually virtual, and social-distancing is the new reality. Some things were changed for us. Some things have simply changed faster than we expected or in ways we could not envision a year ago. Some of it is the stuff of science fiction in a real science fiction moment.

While you may not be able to control the way or the pace of things changing, you are not powerless. Shifting your attention to those aspects of your life you can control helps to restore your self-efficacy and resilience.

Business as not-usual

Premiere Ford announced the second wave lockdown mere hours ago.  As of the latest information, Chiropractors, physiotherapists and registered massage therapists may continue to operate in Toronto and Peel, consistent with current guidance for regulated health professionals.

The Ontario Government’s news release can be found here: or read about it on CTV News.

As an essential service, if you need us, we’re still here to help.

We continue to accept chiropractic, massage and physiotherapy patients in person, subject to passing a COVID-19 screening. Our priority is on acute cases.

There are no changes to already-booked and new-booking appointments – it’s business as ‘not-usual’…

We have put together a guide for patients about your in-person visits. We have also put together a guide for our clinic team about your in-person visits – you’re welcome to read it… It’s all here on our website.

Whether it’s life in the new-normal, or once life is back to normal… The activities you do are your business. Helping you stay active is ours. It’s your life. Live well™.

Downsview Chiropractic
The activities you do are your business. Helping you stay active is ours.

Dr. Joel Weisberg

Dr. Joel Weisberg is the Clinic Director and Principal Doctor at Downsview Chiropractic The difference it makes to a patient when they learn, receive appropriate care, feel cared for, and are empowered to self-manage, is often bigger than the relief they were seeking. Dr. Weisberg is driven to make that difference to people in their pursuit of a life lived well™.