According to The Lancet, low back pain is the number one source of disability in the world. If you’ve dealt with low back pain in the past, you understand just how much it can alter your daily life. Even simply standing up straight can feel like an incredibly impossible task.

For that reason, many top healthcare organizations have begun to publish recommendations for the best ways to take care of low back pain.  Their findings may surprise you…

The care provided by chiropractors ranks at the top of many leading healthcare recommendations for relieving low back pain. Movement-based strategies like spinal adjustments, controlled exercise, and dynamic stretching are a few of the most effective ways to relieve low back issues. Not only are movement-based strategies good for providing fast relief, but emerging research shows that they may be able to offer a preventative effect when continued over time.

The days of blindly taking drugs and medications for back pain are over. Prescriptions are now rarely recommended as a first option because of their dangerous side effects and, frankly, lack of results. We recognize that the more conservative approaches used by chiropractors including: helping a patient to better understand their condition, advice about movement or activities, exercise recommendations, and manual therapies (like a chiropractic adjustment) is a better place to start.

  • The American College of Physicians supports chiropractic care for the treatment of back pain.
  • Both Harvard Health and The Mayo Clinic have published numerous articles highlighting chiropractic and movement-based treatment options for low back pain relief.
  • Clinical care guidelines discourage the use of medication for low back pain due to the risks, dangers, and lack of results.

We’re happy that major, trusted healthcare organizations have evolved to support natural ways to find relief from low back pain. If you or someone you know is struggling with back pain, reach out to us today. Our practice will provide you with a thorough evaluation to determine the source of your problem and the best unique care plan designed specifically to help you find relief.

Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: Clinical Practice Guidelines. The American College of Physicians. 2017.
Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain: Evidence, Challenges, and Promising Directions. The Lancet. 2018.

Dr. Joel Weisberg

Dr. Joel Weisberg is the Clinic Director and Principal Doctor at Downsview Chiropractic The difference it makes to a patient when they learn, receive appropriate care, feel cared for, and are empowered to self-manage, is often bigger than the relief they were seeking. Dr. Weisberg is driven to make that difference to people in their pursuit of a life lived well™.