If you’ve watched any Netflix at all while locked in for COVID, you’ve likely aware of The Last Dance – the sensational documentary series about Michal Jordan, the Chicago Bulls, and their hunt for a sixth NBA title in the ’97-98 series. It’s currently the world’s most in demand documentary.

People need shared cultural experiences, now more than ever. But there is more to it than that. It is captivating! There is an astonishing amount of behind-the-scenes and never-seen footage, and spectacular storytelling.Having lived in Chicago in that era, I can tell you Netflix nailed the emotion and energy of that team in that town.

How does Michael Jordan help you navigate your aches and pains? Here is a few quotes from the greatest of all time to give you context.

“Failure is acceptable, but not trying is a whole different ballpark” – Jordan. At Downsview Chiropractic, we work hard to guide you with ethical, efficient advice. Those best practices are called Evidence Based Care. The first step in your success is trying. Try to change your activities or behaviours in the way we suggest. Try one rep of the exercises we recommend. Heck… try just one movement. You don’t need to have Jordan’s drive or competitiveness. You don’t need to exercise from dawn to dusk. Just try.

“The only way to relieve that pressure is to build your fundamentals, practice them over and over, so when the game breaks down, you can handle anything that transpires” – Jordan. Much of what  we do at Downsview Chiropractic is teach you how to sustainably keep doing the things you want to do.  Those best practices are called Self management Strategies, and they are your fundamentals. The goal is to decrease your sense of fragility and increase your resilience when it comes time to do something physical. Whatever it is you need to do. And lets face it… everything is physical – from routine sitting at the computer, to the seasonal overdoing it gardening, to the surprise twist and reach to catch a falling plate….

Dr. Joel Weisberg

Dr. Joel Weisberg is the Clinic Director and Principal Doctor at Downsview Chiropractic The difference it makes to a patient when they learn, receive appropriate care, feel cared for, and are empowered to self-manage, is often bigger than the relief they were seeking. Dr. Weisberg is driven to make that difference to people in their pursuit of a life lived well™.